Savor God’s Goodness
Oooh, it’s happening again. The lies. The gossip.
Why don’t people like to listen to me? Why don’t they like to listen to my views?
They always make me feel small. Like my opinion doesn’t matter.
When this happens, I go into a shell. I say nothing. I withdraw from people and stick to myself.
One day, I was feeling pretty down. Then a co-worker brought me this flower. Two actually. She told me to place it in water and the buds would come out.
Before the day ended, the small buds that were there grew bigger. By the time I got home later that evening, the buds opened, and produced pretty flowers.
It reminded me of Aaron’s staff that budded and blossomed and produced almonds in Numbers 17:8.
I think the Lord was trying to cheer me up that day. I say this because this particular co-worker and I don’t work on the same floor and we don’t interact on a daily basis. So, it was surprising to me that she thought of giving me this unusual plant.
When I think of the word savour, I think of the scripture:
taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.
Psalm 34:8
That day, the Lord saw my distress. My inner pain and sorrow. He came to my rescue.
That day, I took refuge in the Lord. I tasted and saw his goodness.
This post is part of the weekly Five Minute Friday link-up. This week’s prompt is the word SAVOR.
Hi, I’m your FMF neighbor. I love the idea of savoring and basking in God’s goodness. “Tasting and seeing” how God rescues us, in your case partly with gifts others bring. What a way to start a day and continue to nightfall! And thank you for visiting my Redeem FMF last week.
Hello Leah, thanks for visiting! I’m glad my post encouraged you in some small way. And you’re most welcome!
God is SO so good to us! He is our audience of One and He keeps us in perfect peace when we make Him our focus! ❤