As I sit here in my office looking out the window, I see the clouds gathering, thick and grey. The rain is coming.
In the tropics, there are two seasons, wet and dry and this is the dry season where temperatures could reach as high as 330C. However, since the start of the year, the rainfall has been consistent. For me, this is a good thing as the rain keeps the plants looking lush and green. The dry weather scorches the trees and the hills look patchy and brown, like a skeleton with skin falling off its bones.
When the trees are green and full butterflies and hummingbirds come out in their numbers. They dance around the trees in a beautiful, colourful display. This is where I see the glory of God and I admire his creation. As I watch and admire all my troubles and concerns take a back seat.
I am reminded of the words of Isaiah,
“See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland”.
Isaiah 43:19 NIV
I think about the coming new world. A world where there will be no more sorrow, no more tears. A world where justice would prevail and poverty will be a thing of the past.
I see hope. The rain brings hope. It brings God’s creation to life to remind me that life is good. He tells me to enjoy the beauty. What you see now is only a glimpse of what is to come and the rain is a reminder of my promises.
Life circumstances change us for the better, making us new. Don’t let the storms of life get you down. Grey skies bring green trees. It brings hope.
This story was first posted on in April 2021. We are currently in the rainy season.
What a beautiful reminder!