Helping Women Find their Identity in Christ


I don’t mind showing favour to the vulnerable, but is there a time when too much favour becomes, well, unfavourable?

There’s a beggar who frequents our neighbourhood and one day I offered him some food stuff, a little money, and a pair of shoes that belonged to my late husband. He thanked me and went on his way.

A few days later he returned. I now understand why my late husband was reluctant to give to beggars. “If you keep giving, they’ll keep coming,” he would say.

I ignored the beggar and was happy when he finally retreated. Until he returned a few days later. I stepped outside, gave him some money and foodstuff and told him that was all I had.

He kept returning, and I kept ignoring him. But I felt guilty, for, after all, God grants us unlimited favour and aren’t we supposed to return that favour to our fellow man?

The only thing left for me to do was pray. I asked God for forgiveness for ignoring the beggar, but I explained why. In a time when home invasions are rampant, I felt if I kept entertaining him, he’d bring his other beggar friends. I thought about my neighbours and felt responsible for their welfare too. Maybe I was overthinking it, but at the same time, one could never be too careful.

One day, the beggar showed up while I had a visitor, and I explained to my friend the circumstances of the beggar’s call. My friend had a little chat with him. The beggar has not returned since.

Maybe God understood my discomfort and answered my prayer. We should never underestimate God’s concern for us. He cares about what troubles us and will help us find a solution. But I do hope the beggar finds favor elsewhere.  

This post is part of the weekly Five Minute Friday link-up for the prompt, Favor.


Lisa Marcelina lives in Trinidad and Tobago. She loves hiking, running and playing board games with her two children.

3 thoughts on “Favour

  1. Beggars don’t approach me,
    for I am a fearsome sight
    that causes stoutest hearts to flee,
    fearing I just might
    toss them through a window
    to liven up my day;
    but how can they really know
    that when they run away
    I am tempted to call them back,
    to share God-given favour
    that might help them in their lack,
    but it’s a fruitless labour,
    for looks are real, and my looks suck,
    with a glare to stop a five-ton truck.

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