Helping Women Find their Identity in Christ

Living an Abundant Life

I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.

John 10:10 NKJV

What does it mean to live an abundant life? Some people use this passage to say Jesus came to give us material wealth. And while God can bless us materially, the passage means much more than that.

To have an abundant life means believing in Jesus and living for Him. When we live for Jesus our lives have more purpose.

First, Jesus forgives us of our sins and frees us from guilt and shame.

For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.”

John 3:17 NIV

Second, this freedom allows us to stop living for ourselves and live for Jesus and our fellow man. We sincerely seek the good of others.

Third, belief in Jesus gives us eternal life, for that’s what He came for.

I am the living bread that came down from heaven. Whoever eats this bread will live forever. This bread is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world.”

John 6:31 NIV

John 10 describes Jesus as the good shepherd who came to give His life for the sheep. In contrast to the enemy who came only to kill, steal, and destroy.

They are dogs with mighty appetites;
    they never have enough.
They are shepherds who lack understanding;
    they all turn to their own way,
    they seek their own gain.

Isaiah 56:11 NIV

To live an abundant life means more than living a wealthy life, for wealth can only give so much satisfaction. Abundant living is all about living for Jesus and for others. It’s all about living a more balanced, quality life.

This post is part of the weekly Five Minute Friday link-up for the prompt Have.

Feature image by Mark Stebnicki for Pexels


Lisa Marcelina lives in Trinidad and Tobago. She loves hiking, running and playing board games with her two children.

3 thoughts on “Living an Abundant Life

  1. Abundant life, what does it mean?
    Is it wealth and tinkle-bling?
    Does it mean Making The Scene
    with those who claim to know the King?
    “I believe and I declare!”;
    am I to be left behind?
    Is my cancer’s cross nowhere?
    Have, I God, been left behind?
    Or, maybe, they might have it wrong,
    and rah-rah faith is misconception.
    Maybe there’s another song
    that calls unto a new direction
    that points out all the least of these
    to drop the proud upon their knees.

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