Helping Women Find their Identity in Christ

kneeling lady hugging herself with head turned sideways

What is self-confidence? There are several definitions online.  Cambridge Dictionary defines it as “the belief that you can do things well and that other people respect you”. Nice! But I love the Mirriam Webster’s definition:

“Confidence in oneself and in one’s powers and abilities”.

Wow! powers and abilities. I just love it.

One of the things a person with low self-esteem does is compare themselves to others. I know I did that a lot. But we all have unique qualities and characteristics that we should focus on, rather than compare ourselves to someone else and wish we had their personality.

I have this close friend. We met at work many years ago.  She has a very bubbly and sprightly personality. Unlike me for I am rather quiet and shy, introverted I believe is the adjective, and not many people like that about me.

I wished I were a lot like her so people would like me more. But you know what? Because I knew her on a more intimate level, I realized she had her own fears and insecurities. She confided in me a lot because of my quiet disposition. She trusted me because she knew I would not tell anyone her secrets.

God Created You in Perfection

Friend, God blessed you with unique qualities.  What was given to you was intended for you, and what He gave to someone else was intended for them.  He intended you to be who you are. To the human eye and mind nobody is perfect.  But God created you in perfection. He gave you a unique identity so embrace it!

Psalm 139_13-14

One day a few years ago I was out shopping and met a co-worker from a previous department I worked in.  I called out to her and we stood talking for a little bit.  She eventually mentioned to me how much she admired me and the way I carried about myself. The way I stuck to myself and minded my own business.

I was a little bit surprised, but it told me that there are people who secretly admired me and not everyone thinks bad about me. My quiet disposition allows people who value me to trust me. It is a quality that God blessed me with and I have learned to accept it.

The Mirriam Webster Dictionary used the word power to define self-confidence. One of the greatest gifts God gave us is the power of choice.  You can choose to hate yourself and keep thinking “if only I was like….”, or “I wish I were …”. Or you can choose to accept yourself for who you are, for who God created you to be. Use your powers and abilities to inspire others and give God glory.

Ephesians 2_10

Reflect and Respond

Think about someone you know and what you admire about them. Then think about your own personality and the qualities you possess. Why do you think God gave you these specific qualities? Reflect and Journal about it.  Share in the comments what you have learnt from this exercise.


Lisa Marcelina lives in Trinidad and Tobago. She loves hiking, running and playing board games with her two children.

One thought on “Self-Confidence begins with Self-Acceptance

  1. Lisa, this post is very timely for me and I appreciate your quiet words. I am hoping to reconnect with you soon.

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