Give of Your Knowledge, Talents and Time to Receive Joy and Blessings
Why must we give? To receive of course! Giving means more than presenting gifts or money to someone. It also means giving of knowledge, talents, and time.
I am always thankful when someone gives me something. But recently I asked myself, “when last have you given something to someone Lisa?” I felt bad because I realized I don’t give as much as I receive.
But wait! As I sat seriously pondering this question, it occurred to me that, yes! I do give as much as I receive, just not in the form of giving materially.
Giving of Knowledge and Receiving Appreciation
At an organization, I worked in some years ago, I was leaving one Department to go to another. When my replacement came, I took my time to explain to her how the work was done. As I still had a few days before my actual departure, I told her if she needed anything do not hesitate to ask. Many times, she asked how to perform a specific task and I always took my time not only to explain but show her how it was done. She was surprised at my willingness and patience to help her, because in our workplace culture the motto is, “don’t do more than is required”, which sometimes extends to, “don’t go out of your way to help anyone who’s coming to take over your job”.
But I see that as just being selfish. It is not in my nature to not help someone. When I share my knowledge, I am giving that person the opportunity to improve themselves and become better at what they do. My reward does not come from the individual but from the person for whom I work.
“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters”.
Colossians 3:23 NIV
I work for the Lord, and what I received from helping a fellow co-worker was an eventual promotion to the highest position in my job classification. That is no small feat and I consider it a blessing.
Giving of Talent and Receiving Joy
I love creating. Nothing gives me more pleasure than working with my hands. Crocheting was one of my favorite hobbies. I graduated from crocheting doilies to crocheting dolls, handbags, jewellery, and other items, and sold them at various craft markets.
I would never forget the day at one of these events when a little girl came to my stall and grabbed up one of the dolls I had on display. No amount of coaxing from her mother could make her let go of the doll. When they tried to take it away from her, she began crying. I looked on with amusement. Her uncle had to eventually go get money to purchase the doll. When he returned he asked for a discount, which I happily granted, and a little girl walked away smiling, happy she received the doll she fell in love with.
“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms”.
I Peter 4:10
What did I receive? Joy for giving a little girl happiness from something I created. But not only that. I believe I also received more talent. Recently I picked up drawing. If you asked me ten years ago if I could draw, I would tell you, “hell no”. But during the lockdown last year I started sketching, which led me wanting to learn to draw. I started looking at YouTube videos and enrolled in drawing courses online. It came easy and I developed a new talent. I use my drawing mostly in bible journaling, which is my way of giving glory to God.
Giving of Time and Receiving Respect
Being a busy person, with a full-time job and family commitments, finding time to give time can be difficult. However, I always find time to give to my mom and my brother. You see, my mother has dementia, and my brother is autistic, so I am their primary caregiver. I was given a mandate by God to take care of them because they need me. Whenever I visit my mom, she always asks me, “when are you coming to live with me?” and I always reply, “soon, mommy soon.”
Sometimes I would drop by after work and carry a little treat for them. My brother loves snacks and he would look forward to my visit knowing I would be bringing something for them.
I am so thankful my mom’s dementia is not so bad that she has not forgotten me. My intention is to take early retirement in a couple years to spend more time with her. My father died 11 years ago and most of her friends are not around anymore, so I know she gets a bit lonely sometimes.
So what have I received for making time for my mom and brother? Admiration and respect from the people who see what I do, and the opportunity to share my story. I had the privilege of being interviewed for my role as a caregiver. If you wish you can read it in this blog post Creating Moments of Joy.
Giving and Receiving Blessings
Giving is the power to receiving. It means serving, and when you serve you receive so much more. If there is something you want to receive in your life, don’t just wait for it to come to you. Give. Give your knowledge, talents and time and see the blessings flow.
This post first appeared in