Helping Women Find their Identity in Christ

lazy woman watching laptop

Excuses. How many have you made today?

We are all called to do something great. But sometimes we doubt. When these doubts get embedded in our minds, we make excuses and fall short.

As a writer, there are times I make excuses not to write.

  • I am not good enough.
  • I don’t have time.
  • Nobody would read what I write anyway.
  • I am not qualified.

And the excuses go on, and on.

But did you know that when God calls you to do something, He equips you to carry out that calling?

No matter the excuse, He will find a way to make you do it. Or He would just find someone else. But we don’t want that do we.

When the Lord called Moses to rescue the Israelites from Egypt, Moses said,

“Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the Israelites out of Egypt?”

Exodus 3:11 NIV

Moses did not believe in himself. As a matter of fact, he made another excuse – not being eloquent enough (Read Exodus 4:10).

But guess what? Moses fulfilled his calling, with God’s help and guidance.

If I gave in to my excuses, I would not have accomplished my dream and calling of becoming a writer. I have started to take steps to write my book. Something I have dreamt about for a long, long time. And finally, a door has opened for me to get started.

What are you called to do? Stop making excuses. Let go of the doubt and fears.

Pray. Trust God. He will help you accomplish everything you set out do, whatever that may be.

Don’t waste the opportunity to do something great.

Stop making excuses, fulfill your calling today.

This post is part of the weekly Five Minute Friday link-up. This week’s prompt is the word EXCUSE.


Lisa Marcelina lives in Trinidad and Tobago. She loves hiking, running and playing board games with her two children.

4 thoughts on “Stop Making Excuses!

  1. Absolutely what I needed to hear! I love the Moses reference. It is one I come back to often when I feel like I am facing a challenge beyond my abilities. God is so good to provide and work in through us!

  2. So true, Lisa, “When God calls us to do something, He equips us to carry out that calling.”

    I’m so glad you have begun! “I have started to take steps to write my book.” We need to hear what you have inside of you to share and what He leads you to share. May He give you grace as you write unto Him.
    ~Lisa, FMF #13 Excuse Her

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