Helping Women Find their Identity in Christ

Notebook with fractions Failure Builds Self-confidence

Failure is one steppingstone to success. You may have tried your best at a project, but your best was not good enough because you eventually failed.

You gave up because you felt if you kept on trying you would be setting yourself up for failure and disappointment – again. This causes your self-confidence to become shattered.

When you lack self-confidence, you are holding back yourself from achieving your purpose. You underestimate your own worth and the knowledge and skills you possess which causes you to keep everything inside, and afraid to share.

Failure gives you valuable information to help you improve your situation and hold key resources to help you understand yourself and your potential.

How I Failed Math and Gained Self-Confidence

I completed my BSc in Management Studies in 2013. I came out learning a lot of things from that Degree. But my one major achievement was my pass in Mathematics for Social Sciences.

When I started the Degree, I had not been to school in years, so I had to take a refresher course in math to qualify. I barely passed. After starting the Mathematics for Social Sciences Course, it was nothing like I anticipated. It was a lot of calculus and advanced algebra which was too much for me, so I failed math that semester.

But something triggered inside me. There was this desire to conquer, something that kept telling me, “Lisa, you can do this.”

During the Christmas break I practiced and practiced. I had to go back to do a lot of basic math like fractions, algebra, graphs, and number theory. In the process I actually found math interesting and enjoyed learning the topics.

My hard work paid off and I passed Mathematics for Social Sciences the following Semester. With an A grade. It was one of the greatest feelings I have ever had.

The self-confidence I gained led me to want to teach math. I built an e-course on fractions and even set it up on a platform ready for launch. But things didn’t work out and I had to eventually scrap it.  The Lord had other plans for me.

Build Confidence, Work with God

My daughter started secondary school in 2018. Just coming out of primary school, the level of math was confusing for her. Her first test was on BODMAS and I was able to coach her, helping her to understand the concept. She did the test and got all the questions correct. The only student in the class to do so and I felt so proud. Today I continue to help her and teaching her has been extremely rewarding.

So, while my self-confidence allowed me to have grandiose plans of building a math e-course, it was not the plan the Lord had for me. He just wanted me to use my new found knowledge to help my daughter, knowing she would have struggled with the subject upon entering secondary school.

If I had allowed my failure to defeat me, I may have dropped out of University like I have seen some students do. I would not have been able to teach and support my daughter at a critical time in her life.

Friend, I know failure can be painful, but it is something to embrace. It helps you understand your capabilities and what you are not capable of doing. Do not let it prevent you from pursuing your goals and dreams.

Do not give up, be confident and remember the Lord wants you to succeed in all areas of your life. You just need to work with Him and His plan for your life.

Reflect and Respond

Is there anything you failed at? How can you turn that failure into a success? What have you failed at that you eventually succeeded after not giving up? Share with us or journal your story.


Lisa Marcelina lives in Trinidad and Tobago. She loves hiking, running and playing board games with her two children.

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