Helping Women Find their Identity in Christ

Learn from Mistakes

So you made a mistake. The consequences were bad, and you felt terrible, like the world was going to end. Instead of giving in to guilt and shame take a step back and see what lesson you can learn from what you did wrong. Moving on without thinking about how to change extinguishes any opportunity to learn from your mistakes.

The Bible is filled with examples of men and women who made mistakes and yet God was still able to use them in fulfilling His purpose. Let’s take a look at Sarah and Hagar and how their mistakes did not stop God from blessing them.

God promised Abraham and Sarah they would have a son and thereby Abraham would become the father of many nations. But after ten years had passed, they became doubtful because Sarah was already past child-bearing age. You can read the account in Genesis 15 – 18 and 21.

Mistake #1 – Sarah took matters in her own hands

Sarah in her unbelief and impatience asked Abraham to sleep with Hagar so she can have children through her. The Lord did not intend for Sarah and Abraham to have children this way, even though this was the custom at the time.

Mistake #2 – Hagar disrespects Sarah

Hagar became pregnant and as a result began to disrespect Sarah. Now this behavior was totally unacceptable. Sarah asked Abraham to intervene because Hagar was out of place in her behavior.

Mistake #3 – Sarah mistreats Hagar

Abraham leaves it up to Sarah to handle the situation as she sees fit, thus resulting in Sarah mistreating Hagar.

Mistake #4 – Hagar runs away

Poor Hagar could not take it anymore and decided to run away and return to her home country Egypt. The Lord found her in the desert and felt compassion toward her. He told her to go back to Sarah and submit to her. This must have been extremely hard for Hagar, but the Lord promised her that her descendants would become a great nation through her son. This would have been incentive enough to obey the Lord and return.

God’s Promises Fulfilled

Sarah eventually had her son whom they named Isaac. Unfortunately, after Isaac’s birth Hagar and Ishmael had to leave.  The covenant that the Lord established with Abraham was that his descendants would become many nations through the son Sarah would bear. But the Lord reminded Abraham and Hagar of his promise to make Ishmael into a nation also. (Genesis 21:8-18).

What is most noticeable in this story is that the Lord spoke to Hagar – twice – but never to Sarah. The first time He appeared to Hagar was when she was running away.  After this first encounter, she said: “I have now seen the One who sees me.” (Genesis 16:13).

The second time was when she and Ishmael were sent away and they wandered aimlessly in the desert, alone and thirsty. As she cried, the Lord spoke to her from heaven and reminded her of his promise to make Ishmael into a great nation. He then opened her eyes to a well of water where she was able to quench their thirst and proceed on their way.

In the end God showed favour to Hagar and her son, and blessed them and took good care of them.

God’s Grace

… But where sin increased, grace increased all the more.

Romans 5:20

A big part of dealing with failure and mistakes is taking responsibility for it and dealing with the consequences. When mistakes are made, we must own it and don’t blame someone else, run away, or pretend it did not happen. Rather reflect on it, look at what went wrong and determine what could have been done differently. Repentance and asking for forgiveness are also necessary.

Understand that God is not going to stop you from making mistakes. The lesson He wants you to learn is to trust Him, have faith and allow Him to direct your life.

For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God.

Ephesians 2:8

Yes, there will be consequences, but God’s grace is greater than your mistakes. He will bless you and accomplish His purpose for you regardless of what you have done.

Reflect and Respond

What are some of the mistakes you made in your life? How did you handle it? Journal your experience.

Verse map Ephesians 2:8 and remember to apply what you have learnt.


Lisa Marcelina lives in Trinidad and Tobago. She loves hiking, running and playing board games with her two children.

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